Natural Oilfield Services Limited (NOFSL) is an indigenous oil and gas company, primarily engaged in the production, exploration and development of oil and gas fields in Nigeria. NOFSL is successfully operating Nigeria’s major oil and gas fields which mainly includes Nigeria’s most significant resource field i.e. Oil Mining Lease 13 associating with Nigerian Petroleum Development Company Ltd (NPDC) a group company of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

We deliver world class services

Innovation driven by passion for excellence

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From the Managing Director’s Desk

“Ethics, equity and the principles of justice are the pillars of a prosperous organization”

It is a matter of pride to be a part of an organization that has strong roots in Honesty, Customer Enrichment, Empowerment of Employees, Financial Strength, and Operational Excellence. The Stakeholders are ever so willing to augment their support to this organization in which they can repose their absolute trust, which can only be made possible through ethical and effective governance practices of the organization. In today’s free and diverse environment, the core values of the organization are imperative to be ingrained amongst all through an effective system of Good Governance.

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Natural Oilfield Services Limited is firmly committed to establishing, promoting and maintaining a safety system that will sustain a safe and healthy work place which is environmental friendly. We commit to abide by the best industry practices and legislative requirements. We commit to conduct periodic assessments of our operations to identify risks and reduce personnel exposure.